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HTML Digital Switchover

If you were watching the video above and went to the link in it, then you are in for a treat. Because this page explains a big moment in Vidbew history, when we switched over from Flash analog to HTML digital.

Disclaimer: Please note that none of this happened in real life, this page was just made for the purpose of entertainment.

The Basics Of Scratch TV

Flash Analog

Flash Analog television is the original Internet television technology that uses Adobe Flash signals to transmit video and audio. In a Flash analog television broadcast, the brightness, colors and sound are represented by amplitude, phase and frequency of an Adobe Flash signal. This service has been shutdown since 2021 and is no longer available!

HTML Digital

HTML Digital television is the transmission of Internet television signals using HTML5 encoding, in contrast to the earlier Flash analog television technology which used Adobe Flash signals. That's why Flash Analog television became outdated and was inevitably forced off the air.

Unity Satellite

Unity Satellite television is a service that delivers internet television programming to viewers by relaying it from a communications satellite orbiting the Earth directly to the viewer's location. The Unity Engine signals are received via an outdoor parabolic antenna commonly referred to as a Unity satellite dish and a low-noise block downconverter system.

Windows Cable

Windows Cable technology delivers Internet television programming by transmitting PC waves from a point of origin and sending the signals through a computer cable to consumers. Windows Cable TV can offer many programs and networks usually through a system of cables like .EXE and .RAR.

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