Welcome to VidBew Plus, before we start, we will show you the guidelines. Have fun!
Admins need to not be disturbed
Do not disturb the admins, Everett, and the VidBew team unless you want report any bugs or a user that broke the guidelines. Annoying the admin, the VidBew team and Everett will result in a warning, but if you had a warning already, it will be a strike instead. False reporting and mass reporting people that did not do anything bad will result in immediate extermination. No exceptions. (Unless you're VidBew Staff, and Everett.)
1. 不要打扰管理员!
请勿打扰管理员、Everett和VidBew团队,除非您想报告任何错误或用户违反了准则。打扰管理员、VidBew团队和Everett将导致警告,但如果您已经被警告过,则将改为 “罢工”。虚假举报和集体举报未做坏事的用户将被立即清除。无一例外。(除非你是 VidBew 工作人员和 Everett)。
2. 注意安全!
分享文件和媒体是一种关爱,但禁止分享私人信息和居住地。我们希望本网站是一个安全的分享和流媒体场所,而不是黑市。明白了吗?因为本网站已熄灯。但说真的,不要分享你的私人信息。您仍然可以告诉他们您的生日,或您使用的其他平台(YouTube、Facebook、Twitter/X、Instagram、DeviantArt、Scratch、Discord 等)。(注:自 2024 年 10 月 7 日起,我们将不再接受 Scratch,任何表示支持 Scratch 和 Scratch 团队的人都将被消灭。)
3. 远离 skibidi 或 rizz!
我们喜欢看到你们与他人交流,但我们不喜欢在这里脑洞大开,例如,我们不想看到 Skibidi Toilet、Rizz、Ohio memes、sigma 等。我们更像是 Z 世代,而不是 Alpha 世代。违反此规定将被静音。警告或罢工将影响您的账户,您所发的信息也将被删除。
4. 珍惜你所拥有的。
我们制作 VidBew Plus 的目的是为了串流视频、节目和电影并与他人交流。欣赏它。我们添加这些内容是为了让您得到娱乐。但不要指望要求团队删除您不喜欢的系列节目。如果节目在这里,它就会留在这里。违反此规则将受到警告,但如果您已受到警告,则将改为 “罢工”。
5. 允许青少年和成年人进入。儿童不得入内
在 VidBew Plus,我们有您可能喜欢的社区。但我们有年龄限制。您必须年满 13 岁或以上才能进入本网站。如果您年满 12 岁,也没有问题,但如果您年满 11 岁或更小,您的账户将受到限制。请询问你的父母是否允许你在本网站与人聊天。如果您是家长或监护人,正在阅读这篇文章并试图让您的孩子使用这项流媒体和聊天服务,请一路向下滚动与我们联系,并确定孩子在本网站上的用户名。
6. 保持 PG 或 16+
信不信由你,我们其实很喜欢有血腥味的蓝色图画。但请保持 PG 或 R 级。这不是色情网站,这里有青少年。违反此规定将受到警告,但如果您已经受到过警告,则将改为 “罢免”。(除非是在 R18+ 群组)。
7. 紧扣主题。
除非您使用混合群组,否则我们希望您在群组中保持主题明确。不要在群组中发表任何偏离主题的内容。违反此规则将导致评论被删除。(VidBew Plus 群组除外)
8. 初次创建和链接账户时请耐心等待。
9. 对自己的行为负责。
我们希望您留下来,我们也很乐意。它曾经有一个暂停系统,但因为新的罢工系统而被取消了。罢课制度有一套罢课标准。一次警告,五次罢工。如果您被 “三振出局”,您将在 7 天内不再发表评论。如果您被全部五次 “剔除”,请快速向下滚动并联系我们,在七天内对您的账户进行申诉。如果您的帐号在 7 天后仍未回复我们,您的帐号将不幸被删除。如果您在 7 天后回复,您的申诉将被取消。请注意您的行为。
10. 善待他人。
我们希望这个社区是善良和充满活力的。但不允许欺凌他人。违反此规定将受到警告,但如果您已受到警告,则将以 “罢工 ”代替。
11. 恋童癖≠允许!
12. 成为骄傲。
13. 说话注意点!
本网站允许说脏话。但这里不允许辱骂他人。违反此规定将导致删除评论和警告,但如果您已经受到警告,则将改为 “罢工”。
Stay safe, never share private information
Sharing files and media is caring, but sharing private information and sharing where you live at is prohibited. We want this site to be a safe place for sharing and streaming, not a black market. Get it? Because this site is in lights out. But seriously, don't share your private information. You can still tell them your birthday, or what other platforms your in (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, DeviantArt, Discord, Bluesky, etc).
Appreciate the shows we have.
We made VidBew Plus to stream videos, shows, and movies and communicate with others. Appreciate it. We added these to let you be entertained. But don't expect to ask the team to take down a series you don't like. If the show is there, it stays here. Breaking this rule will result in a warning, but if you had a warning already, it will be a strike instead. But you can suggest us your original if you want. But make sure its not on YouTube.
Please be kind to everyone
No matter if they are gay, bi, lesbian, Trump hater, atheist, trans, furry, or in a foreign country or race, everyone is welcome except for pedophiles and zoophiles. Furries are also allowed on this site and we can't permit you for hurting everyone in this community. We want this community to be kind and energenic. But bullying people is not allowed. Harassing other users will lead you to a strike
This site is not for all ages.
At VidBew Plus, we have communities that you may like. But we have an age limit. You must be at least 13 years of age or older to be in this site. If you're 12 years of age, that's okay, but if you're 11 years of age or younger, you're account will be upon up restriction. Ask your parents if your okay chatting with people or allowed in this site. If you are a parent or guardian reading this and trying to let your child use this streaming and chatting service, contact us and identify the kids username on this site.
Is this a pornography website?
Absolutly not. Believe it or not, we actually love bluey drawings that have gore. But keep it PG or R. But don't post 18+ stuff in here. This is not a pornographic site, there is teenagers in here y'know. Breaking this rule will result in a warning, but if you had a warning already, it will be a strike instead.
Why is Zoos and Pedos not allowed at all?
We don't tolerate pedophiles or zoophiles, if your one of them, we don't want you here. If you were caught grooming with a minor on this site, your account will be exterminated immediately without a warning. You weird asshole.
Enjoy your stay.
We hope you enjoy your time here and thank you for choosing this ultimate streaming and chatting service! Orange and Magenta!