Pre-read Disclaimer: If you want to use any of these models, they are free to use but(t) please credit me if you do use them.
So I have finally made a 3D model for Pelofan, which can be used in any 3D animated shows that we'll make, as well as fan animations. I also made an N64/PSX styled version of it for the upcoming game "Smash Remix Redux".
Normal Model

Download links:
N64 Model

Download Links:
You might notice some subtle changes, like how the hat is navy blue and how the eyes are fully yellow but(t) that's because I used Tinkercad. Either way it's still fine and if you have any questions or concerns about it, then please let me know in the comments below.
Post-read Disclaimer: For some of them, the textures might not load properly or even at all. So you might have to make the textures yourself if that ever happens.