I've been reading about the drama concerning Zarbu and her partner Collin. It's about how Collin gave someone an OC he made, but(t) had second thoughts and wanted it back.
Now I'm not justifying what they did, I'm just saying that this could have been easily avoided if Sea would have just respected Collins wishes and gave him his OC back. I know trying to defend these 2 is technically a bad thing but(t) I'm just trying to find whatever ounce of good is still left of her by looking at the bright side of this situation! Zarbu prolly shouldn't have done what she did, but(t) Sea technically started this whole thing. Cus if someone gives something to you and they have second thoughts about it, then you should just respect their wishes and give it back.
For more details; you can read the full saga and my response to it here at these links
Also, I personally want to know what @Carol has to say about this whole thing, so that she can help me talk some sense into Zarbu cus she's starting to lose her fucking sanity over this whole thing.
I don’t understand